The Swingalarm-Productions:
Bayreuth Swings
- release: November 2012 -
In celebration of Richard Wagner’s 200th birthday (May 22, 2013) the Juri Artamonov Trio interprets the most famous melodies of Germany’s greatest opera composer in their proven swinging style.
Berliner Luft
- planned release: spring 2013 -
On the album Berliner Luft, the
Juri Artamonov Trio presents the most
popular songs of the German capital, and
well known soundtracks of early Ufa times.
The CD can be seen as a pendant to
Moskauer Fenster, the trio’s successful,
Russian-themed release of 2008.
Moskauer Fenster
In 2008, the Juri Artamonov Trio recorded the album Moskauer Fenster. Famous melodies from Soviet movies and Russian chansons are presented in a swinging, elegant way. |